My name is Laura and the question I always get is, "how did you think of this?" Well, I am a person that believes in unconditional love and looking for opportunities to help others. As a mom and a wife, I also want volunteer experiences my family can do together. BenefitCrashers was an idea that came to me following several encounters with serious illnesses in my family and of friends. These experiences and others got me thinking about how I wanted to spend time with my family and friends. How could I create love, hope and joy for others in a time of hardship? How could my family and friends be involved? I decided that I never wanted anyone to feel alone and I wanted to spread love and compassion. I composed an email to my friends with my simple idea. “ Instead of going out to eat and spending money on frivolous things, we should attend strangers benefits. We can take that time to be together and love on someone else. We can give someone hope in a time of darkness.” My friends and family could totally expect a letter like this from me, and I am thankful for all their support and love of this creation of mine has received.
Since that fateful email, the BenefitCrashers have been on the move. In the last six months, we’ve crashed twelve benefits, with one hundred different crashers, rented two buses, and had t-shirts made. We have been to a farm, bars and bowling alleys. We have talked, cried, and laughed during the benefits and after the benefits. We have interest in starting chapters in Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Wisconsin and Iowa. We are bringing awareness to the benefits cause and we do forget the beautiful people that we’ve met. We are helping others feel like they matter and reminding them that they are not alone. We are taking time to help others by sharing something so simple, love. Words and actions matter.
The quote that sits on my fireplace mantel is from Mother Theresa
“If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.”
My children, their friends, our family talk and pray for the families at each benefit. My kids look forward to going to benefits and are beginning to understand what its all about. My kids friends wear their t-shirt proudly at school and out in the community.
Together we can make a difference! We can be the change! One Crash at a Time!
Thanks for your support and encouragement!
Laura Henrickson, BenefitCrashers Founder